My little droplet of wasted space in the big sea that is the Internet.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Didn't I just finish reading about attention disorders?

It is December!

It is officially December, guys (oh, all you people who *coughdon'tcough* read this), and there are only 18 days till "I'll be home for Christmas..."

Sadly, many of these days will be spent study-study-studying. Woo-hoo. But, some of these days will also be spent Christmas shop-shop-shopping. So I guess it evens out.

For December, here is my tentative plan -- you know you care.

Justine's Tentative Plan for a Happy and Relaxing December:
in no particular order

  1. Do not leave my Christmas shopping until December 17

  2. Do not spend any more of my money frivilously -- Is that the right word? Is that a word?

  3. Finish Zan's Top Secret Super Awesome Surprise Present -- Hopefully. We'll see how this goes. I'm officially exactly 75% done though.

  4. Start studying for Statistics December 7 -- This way I can plan it all out over 11 days, study a teeny tiny, itty bit bit each day and not get stressed or frustrated

  5. Pack lightly for the trip home -- Because I know I will have lots and lots of presents to bring back with me... Right?

  6. Don't go to bed late so that I can still wake up in the morning. -- Just because we have holidays, doesn't mean I should start being lazy again. I'm starting to enjoy waking up early. I get a lot more out of my day. It's still hard though, but I'm trying.

  7. Hang out with all the people I said I would hang out with when I'm home -- Because I have a habit of not following through with those "verbal" plans made over MSN, and it's not cause I'm mean or intentionally don't go through with them, but that those types of plans are always so sketchy. I never know which are actually plans and which were just like, "We should hang out" like when people say "Hey, what's up?" but don't want to hear a full response. You know what I mean... Or maybe not.

  8. Write a short story -- I haven't written anything significant in a very long time, since September, and all I've been writing are little cutesy poems, which are good cause I love them, but I miss my short stories. I wish I was still creative... or inspired... or something. Gifted. I wish I was gifted.

  9. Trick Zia into letting me keep Isabella and bring her back here with me -- I might have some problems with Jeff, too.

  10. Come up with the best, most creative... best anniversary present for Zan

  11. Find out what Nina has been snooping through in my room

  12. Buy a lottery ticket and win a million dollars -- It might happen. You don't know.

  13. Take more pictures -- I wish I took more pictures. I want to remember stuff when I'm 70 years old, whip out the photo album and say, "This was me, and this was me, and this was me, and this was me," and be able to show my kids what happened in my life (not when I'm 70, before that), lest they think I was a big loser with no social life... Wait.

  14. Bring back more of those Mandarin Oranges -- I don't have anymore left, Mommy...

  15. Go for a winter trail ride! -- Nina, Leila said that because Heather has "adopted" Casey, I could maybe ride Travis, and you could bring Buddy and we could ride in the snow.

  16. Come up with a good New Year's resolution -- It will have to be something I can actually keep.

Okay, that's enough. That was a good list. This was a good break from what I'm supposed to be doing, which is studying. But I tell myself if I'm not on MSN, it's okay. I'm not breaking the rules.

I don't really believe that though. Only... two hours of studying left (but I'll be done earlier than I thought so woo-hoo)...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

17. Make up a list of things you need to do and post it on your blog page....wait a second...