My little droplet of wasted space in the big sea that is the Internet.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Born-again Poessayist?

I tried to write tonight, got like half a poem done. So I decided to finish a "book" -- I thought I could make it a book, it's more of a short, short "book" because it's only at five pages but there's like three or four chapters already; it's very concise -- but when I read it over I said, This isn't me; this is really dumb. I can't finish this.

So I turned to my friend the Internet looking for creative writing topics and prompts.

After reading a few websites for kids that went "Use the following words in a story: candlestick, comic book, empty soap box, clown, racetrack," or "Write a description of a girl named Molly Mallory," I found a site with actual prompts. It also had links to different types of poems and stories.

And this is how I discovered poessays.

While the name is lame (ha, that rhymes!) I really liked the idea, and I think that's because it's how I write. When I write short fiction, I write it so that it sounds like a poem. But when I try to write poetry, I can't do it. I'm not a poet. Apparently, I'm a Poessayist. Go figure.

So I scribbled down two sentences and turned them into poems, and while these poems are supposed to be opinionated, mine are really not -- well maybe one is, I don't know -- but I just wanted to get the feel for it anyways so it doesn't matter. This is just practice.

So here are my poessays (these are working titles, folks):

A Christmas Poem

To wake up

and open
the curtains

glittering crystals

from the clouds

to feel warmth
in your

at the shiver
the first frost

as it touches your cheeks
this is Christmas

See? Aren't they fun! Okay, okay. It was cheesy. But this is for practice, for inspiration, for educational and spiritual growth of the little writer girl inside me. So please bear with me, because until I find my forté, you will be seeing a lot of these corny little poems. Maybe I'll write a Haiku...

I would like you to know that I did not intentionally steal this title from Selina. I realized that after I "made it up" already. But, like I said: working title.

Dreaming Of You

I close my eyes
and let my back

As I lay
under covers
not too hot
but perfectly

I slip
into a dream

where the earth is always

the air is fresh
and cool

and every
I can spend

of you

Now you guys are all gonna go off and write your own poessays and it's all thanks to moi! No, that's not true, because nobody reads this anyway...okay, one person does, but that's it.

1 comment:

Justine said...

Note to self: I have rethought this whole "poessay" thing and I have concluded that I no longer like it that much. It's too choppy for me. It's like you AREN'T a poet, but you're pretending to be. On a lighter note, my poetry skills have improved greatly. Perhaps I shall unveil my work. Perhaps.