The second photo is of me, I can tell you that. What I'm doing, I cannot. I have no idea. I think that's a Burger

In other news, I went to the Grey Cup. It was c-c-cold. Apparently, it was a boring game though. I can't judge fairly because I don't follow football to begin with. But! I saw Fred Penner. I thought that was cool. I took a photo of him too, but Shh. I told Nina about it, but she didn't even remember who he was. We used to watch him like crazy when we were kids. Strange.
Zan and I played Scrabble yesterday. I almost won. But I did not win. He won. But I spelled two awesome words: "quatrain", with the Q on a double letter score, and "excel" on a double word score. I also spelled words such as "at", "toot", and "waft." They can't all be gems (stealing your lines).
Anyway, it's still morning so I think I'm gonna go have some breakfast, get a shower. Will write again later.
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