My little droplet of wasted space in the big sea that is the Internet.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree...

Brr-rr-rr, is it cold.
It is -15 right now. It was -16 this morning. And it's just gonna get colder and colder and colder. There is supposed to be a high of -20 and a low of -35 on Sunday! Brr-rr-rr.

I took some pictures today! It was much too cold for me to marche all around campus, but I took some pictures around my building and whatnot because this is the first real snowfall -- and by real I mean the first time it has snowed and not melted overnight since I've been in Winnipeg.

The picture above is looking down my street. My building is at the end of the row of trees -- maybe a little further -- on the left.

The second picture is of a lone little tree. The building to the right of the tree in the background is the administration building. The big empty snow-field is the quad. I don't know why it's fenced in... It wasn't fenced in the first couple weeks I was here, but by October they had the fence up. I thought it was very pretty before the fence. You can still go in though, so I guess it's okay.

The next picture -- the one on the very, very left -- is my favourite picture because it's a little Charlie Brown tree amidst all these big, bad evergreens. It's cute. One day he'll be bigger than all the evergreens. I'm excited for him.

The last picture -- you may have already guessed it! -- is yet another tree. This is an evergreen though, so I guess it's sort of different. It look so Christmasy. I like it. There's not a whole heck of a lot to say about this tree. He's pretty old. He's not mean to the Charlie Brown tree though. He probably has a little tree family somewhere...

Okay, that's enough.

Off to study!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Born-again Poessayist?

I tried to write tonight, got like half a poem done. So I decided to finish a "book" -- I thought I could make it a book, it's more of a short, short "book" because it's only at five pages but there's like three or four chapters already; it's very concise -- but when I read it over I said, This isn't me; this is really dumb. I can't finish this.

So I turned to my friend the Internet looking for creative writing topics and prompts.

After reading a few websites for kids that went "Use the following words in a story: candlestick, comic book, empty soap box, clown, racetrack," or "Write a description of a girl named Molly Mallory," I found a site with actual prompts. It also had links to different types of poems and stories.

And this is how I discovered poessays.

While the name is lame (ha, that rhymes!) I really liked the idea, and I think that's because it's how I write. When I write short fiction, I write it so that it sounds like a poem. But when I try to write poetry, I can't do it. I'm not a poet. Apparently, I'm a Poessayist. Go figure.

So I scribbled down two sentences and turned them into poems, and while these poems are supposed to be opinionated, mine are really not -- well maybe one is, I don't know -- but I just wanted to get the feel for it anyways so it doesn't matter. This is just practice.

So here are my poessays (these are working titles, folks):

A Christmas Poem

To wake up

and open
the curtains

glittering crystals

from the clouds

to feel warmth
in your

at the shiver
the first frost

as it touches your cheeks
this is Christmas

See? Aren't they fun! Okay, okay. It was cheesy. But this is for practice, for inspiration, for educational and spiritual growth of the little writer girl inside me. So please bear with me, because until I find my forté, you will be seeing a lot of these corny little poems. Maybe I'll write a Haiku...

I would like you to know that I did not intentionally steal this title from Selina. I realized that after I "made it up" already. But, like I said: working title.

Dreaming Of You

I close my eyes
and let my back

As I lay
under covers
not too hot
but perfectly

I slip
into a dream

where the earth is always

the air is fresh
and cool

and every
I can spend

of you

Now you guys are all gonna go off and write your own poessays and it's all thanks to moi! No, that's not true, because nobody reads this anyway...okay, one person does, but that's it.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Do you have a bandaid?

This is a funny little comic I found at I thought it was funny. This site posts daily comics. Many of them are funny but some are sad. Right now they are doing a depressing comic week, so they are mostly just sad. But this one is funny.

You can click on the comic to view it larger or you can click here to view it at


Today is a good day. I finally got my psychology marks. I got a 98 on the assignment! Which shows that I knew my stuff because I studied like mad for that stupid exam. On the exam, however, which was stupid and had ridiculous questions, I got an 86. Which isn't as good, but is better than my last mark of 82. But her questions were really dumb and irrelevant to what we were learning.

Apparently, according to my prof's website, I have a 93.8 in the class (woo-hoo!) and the third highest mark (double woo-hoo!). But as ecstatic as I am, I believe she is wrong. Cause I keep track of my own marks too -- cause I'm a nerd like that -- and when I work it out, I only have an 85-point-something -- but let's hope she doesn't find that out. Hehehe.

But it is lunch time and I'm a hungry little student so I am off to eat.

I also wrote two poems today. Perhaps I shall post them later.

Au revoir.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Oh my Lord. My mom is making a scrap book for my Nonna for Christmas, so she sent me all these pictures of me as a toddler today. I was so cute! Hahaha. Look how chubby I was! In the first picture, I am riding in one of those cars at the CLE where you just go around in circles, but you can move the steering wheel. You don't really steer though. My cousin is in the actual photo with me -- I just cropped it, but I saved the other one. Don't worry. She was supposed to watch me or take care of me, my mom told her, so she apparently spent the whole ride (no photo though, sorry) with her hand holding onto the back of my tshirt by the collar.

The second photo is of me, I can tell you that. What I'm doing, I cannot. I have no idea. I think that's a Burger King crown though. I might be practicing tae kwon do or something. [No, I never took tae kwon do or anything, but that's the only possible explanation.] Don't you love my glasses? Oh, I miss being a kid sometimes...

In other news, I went to the Grey Cup. It was c-c-cold. Apparently, it was a boring game though. I can't judge fairly because I don't follow football to begin with. But! I saw Fred Penner. I thought that was cool. I took a photo of him too, but Shh. I told Nina about it, but she didn't even remember who he was. We used to watch him like crazy when we were kids. Strange.

Zan and I played Scrabble yesterday. I almost won. But I did not win. He won. But I spelled two awesome words: "quatrain", with the Q on a double letter score, and "excel" on a double word score. I also spelled words such as "at", "toot", and "waft." They can't all be gems (stealing your lines).

Anyway, it's still morning so I think I'm gonna go have some breakfast, get a shower. Will write again later.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

My first entry

This is my new blog!

I know I have said it before, a million times probably, but I am going to try my very, very hardest this time to actually write in this thing. I don't know what I'll write exactly, but I promise there will be posts this time. I'll try.

I went to the Santa Claus parade today. It was actually the Grey Cup parade, but I was tricked into thinking Santa Claus would be there. I think he was, but I didn't see him. It was very cold. I had mittens and a hood and a sweater and jacket, and I was still cold. That part was not fun, no sir.

Yesterday, Zan and I went to see Happy Feet! It was a very cute movie. I enjoyed it. For anyone who has seen it, do you not agree that Mumble should have lost all his baby feathers at the end of the movie? I think he should have. I was a little upset that he didn't lose them. Oh well. Nonetheless, it was an excellent movie and everyone should go see it. Everyone.

But, alas, due to my long, tiring, very cold day and the fact that I have a headache I am going to stop writing and retire to my bed sometime soon. Big Saturday night, huh. Well it doesn't matter because I had an eventful day today and I will get to have lots and lots of sleep tonight because I don't have any school tomorrow. Lucky, lucky, lucky.

Good night, world.