It is -15 right now. It was -16 this morning. And it's just gonna get colder and colder and colder. There is supposed to be a high of -20 and a low of -35 on Sunday! Brr-rr-rr.
I took some pictures today! It was much too cold for me to marche all around campus, but I took some pictures around my building and whatnot because this is the first real snowfall -- and by real I mean the first time it has snowed and not melted overnight since I've been in Winnipeg.
The picture above is looking down my street. My building is at the end of the row of trees -- maybe a little further -- on the left.

The second picture is of a lone little tree. The building to the right of the tree in the background is the administration building. The big empty snow-field is the quad. I don't know why it's fenced in... It wasn't fenced in the first couple weeks I was here, but by October they had the fence up. I thought it was very pretty before the fence. You can still go in though, so I guess it's okay.
The next picture -- the one on the very, very left -- is my favourite picture because it's a little Charlie Brown tree amidst all these big, bad evergreens. It's cute. One day he'll be bigger than all the evergreens. I'm excited for him.
The last picture -- you may have already guessed it! -- is yet another tree. This is an evergreen though, so I guess it's sort of different. It look so Christmasy. I like it. There's not a whole heck of a lot to say about this tree. He's pretty old. He's not mean to the Charlie Brown tree though. He probably has a little tree family somewhere...
Okay, that's enough.
Off to study!