My little droplet of wasted space in the big sea that is the Internet.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Lazy Justine

I've been getting pretty lazy with my posts, guys. I don't mean it, I swear. School is busy and whatnot- trying to work my portfolio to get that in on time. I need nine pieces. I have more than nine total, but I have seven that I would actually want to put in my portfolio. So really I've only got to do two more. I would like to do more. Who knows? Maybe something I do later will be better than one of the seven I have already. Not really sure how it's gonna end up.

I'm excited for Fine Arts though because there are... no final exams! So really, all I would have were exams for any other courses I might take (French, Creative Writing, etc., except there is no exam for Creative Writing either) and that means that I could arrange my classes so that all the elective courses I took (which I actually don't need any more of) that didn't go all year were second term. That way, no exams at Christmastime. Yay!

Going back to an earlier post, I finally got my and Zan's cake to upload! I don't know why it wouldn't let me before, but I've been trying nearly every time I post, and it never ever works. But today, it did. So let's be thankful.

This is our cake. Isn't it beautiful? And yummy?
I thought so.

Anyway, I believe I am going to go finish cleaning my room and try to paint some.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Portfolio update

Here is my newest creation. Hahaha.

Tell me what you think. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


I got my own room next year! Woo-hoo! I'm super excited, as you can tell.

My room will be in University College, which everyone seems to think I got stuck with or something, like no one would want to live there. I don't know. But no, it was my first choice. It's a single room -- which is what I wanted -- and it's cheaper than living in Speechly again. Actually, it's cheaper to get a single room in UC than the double room I've got now.

Plus, I won't have to eat at Pembina Hall all the time. Sweet.

So this is what my room will look like next year:

It is approximately 125 square feet, says the Housing and Student Life website. Which isn't bad, because I measured my double room and it's about 180 square feet. so it's just like, 6 feet shorter (cause my room isn't square) but the width is the same. So I'm happy.

You may notice the small, small window. But that's okay. I don't care. I had a huge window this year, and I didn't really care for it.

Reasons I don't care about having a big window:
  • a big window let's more cold in in the winter time
  • a big window let's more sunshine in on weekends when I'm trying to sleep
  • there is nothing to look at out the window anyway
  • a big window means there's more of a chance that someone is looking in

So, I don't really mind having a small window. I like that it is right above the bed, though ... if the diagram is right. The diagram that I looked up online for the double room I have now isn't exactly the same as what my room looks like. Plus, every room is a little different anyway. So it might not be exactly correct, but if it is, I really like the idea of having a little window above my bed.

I am excited.

So I will pay my $500.00 downpayment next week and hope I get into my program.

I don't think I have anything to worry about though. I'm not too worried.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Some things I'd like to do no particular order:

  1. Write a song
  2. Sell a painting
  3. Write a cheque to a children's hospital
  4. Go parasailing
  5. Dig up a fossil
  6. See a comet
  7. Go scuba diving
  8. Save a life
  9. Write a book
  10. Get a tattoo
  11. Get laser eye surgery
  12. Fly a plane
  13. See a lion in the wild
  14. Catch a firefly
  15. Kayak with the dolphins in Hudson Bay
  16. Have a conversation with a gorilla (sign language)
  17. Ride a unicycle
  18. Horseback ride on a beach
  19. Climb a palm tree
  20. Love my job
  21. Buy a house
  22. Swim with a dolphin
  23. Hold a tarantula
  24. Have lunch with a stranger
  25. Swim in the ocean
  26. Go to a ballet
  27. Learn ballroom dancing
  28. Play an instrument
  29. Drive across Canada
  30. See the pyramids
  31. Ride on a ferry
  32. Walk in the rainforest
  33. Get married
  34. Have children
  35. Have a second honeymoon
  36. Have a walk-in closet
  37. Have a fireplace in my bedroom
  38. Have a bed with a canopy
  39. Become physically fit
  40. Buy a car
  41. Win the lottery
  42. Win a contest
  43. Be less forgetful
  44. Watch a sunrise
  45. Watch a sunset
  46. Run in a meadow
  47. Go on a cruise
  48. Join a club
  49. Take a gondola ride in Venice
  50. See the Eiffel Tower at night
  51. Have dinner in Paris
  52. See the Sistine Chapel
  53. Live to see the discovery of life on another planet
  54. Spend a year traveling
  55. Travel in Europe
  56. See a zebra in the wild
  57. Drive a racecar
  58. Learn the constellations
  59. Have a garden
  60. Walk through a hedge maze
  61. Walk across a swing bridge
  62. Have a salt water aquarium
  63. Own a bakery
  64. Have a food fight
  65. Go to my high school reunion
  66. Eat a whole tub of ice cream
  67. Have a huge bathtub with stairs leading up to it
  68. Make a video diary
  69. See New York
  70. Go to Disneyland
  71. Meet a celebrity
  72. Take singing lessons
  73. Start a trend
  74. Find my passion
  75. Teach overseas
  76. See wild elephants
  77. Buy a one-way ticket
  78. Get hypnotized
  79. Have fondue
  80. Learn to figure skate
  81. Try clam chowder
  82. Teach someone something
  83. Inspire someone
  84. Be confident
  85. Stay awake for 24 hours
  86. Go to Sea World
  87. Do something spontaneous
  88. Be successful
  89. Graduate from University
  90. Climb a mountain (that isn't Mt. Mckay)
  91. Teach an animal a trick
  92. Find buried treasure
  93. Find a message in a bottle
  94. Send a message in a bottle (or balloon- saw that on Oprah, lol)
  95. Stay in bed all day
  96. Help a friend through a crisis
  97. Create a new dish (ie. food)
  98. Follow a tv series
  99. Attend a wine-tasting party
  100. Invent a new word
  101. Have someone look up to me
  102. Test drive a vehicle with no intention of buying it
  103. Meditate
  104. Visit a monastery
  105. Take a tour on a double-decker bus
  106. Sell something ridiculous on Ebay
  107. Find a wallet and return it
  108. Have lunch with a homeless person
  109. Participate in a pie-eating contest
  110. Ride in a hot-air balloon
  111. Have a pet hedgehog

...that's all for now. Till tomorrow.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Beating the system

Don't tell anyone, but...

I bought art supplies today and got an $18.00 package of pastels free because the cashier forgot to ring it through!

I would have gone back, I swear, but I got all the way home before I noticed.


On another note, I saw Zodiac Saturday night. It was very scary, especially because I know that it is real. That it actually happened. That the guy was never caught.

I was hoping it wouldn't be a horror movie and would be more of a murder-mystery type movie. It was for the most part, a murder-mystery, but they did show three or four killings. Only two were graphic, and one was quite possibly the most disturbing thing that I've ever seen [the one by the lake, for anyone whose seen it- I won't give away any details for those of you who haven't]. I was eating fudge- Zan and I went skating Saturday afternoon on the river at the Forks- I think it's Red River- and I bought fudge- and when they showed this murder I had to stop eating my fudge. I felt sick. It was morbid/disturbing.

But it was nonetheless a good movie and I think that you should all see it. One of the main suspects in the case was played by the actor who plays Drew Carrey's brother on the Drew Carrey show, so it was sometimes hard to take him seriously, picturing that character and Mimi and everything.

But it was a very good movie and I did enjoy it.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Invisible Girl

I'm sorry!

I know I haven't posted in a very long time, and I'm sorry. I know you have all been sitting on the edges of your chairs, biting at your fingernails, just craving another post from Justine. I'm sorry to let you down; it won't happen again.

Well, it might.

Actually, it might happen right now.

I really don't have much to write about.

My professor did not find my statistics assignment. So what he did to make it "fair" for me, rather than taking off marks that I don't deserve to lose because I handed the assignment in, even if he has no record of that ... What he did was take the three percent that my assignment would have been worth and tack it onto my midterm exam.

So, basically, my assignment didn't count for anything, and instead of being worth 35% like it says in the syllabus, my midterm was worth 38% -- great if I do awesome, not so great if I fail.

So I get to my exam and there are ... only 28 questions. Thirty-eight percent of my mark. Twenty-eight questions. Okay.

Anyway, I ended up getting seven questions wrong, giving me a 75% and losing me 10% of my overall mark.

I later found out that the class average was only 74%, so at least I beat that. I felt better after he told us that.


Zan and I baked a cake! From scratch. It was a terrific cake with three layers of vanilla cake with a strawberry-strawberry jam mixture in between each layer. And we whipped the cream ourselves! It was a lovely cake, and I wish I could show you, but Mr. Blogger apparently isn't being nice to me for some reason and he won't let me attach pictures to this post. I will try again tomorrow or something, see if he will let me then.

Other than that, I don't think anything très excitant has happened since my return to the "windy city." That being Winnipeg, not that other windy city.

I want to see The Number 23. I think it will be good. I mean, obviously the whole story, the whole part of the movie that has to do with the number 23, I don't think that will be good. But the movie itself -- as something to entertain me -- and Jim Carrey and his acting and just the fact that it's a scary movie with a trailer that actually looks decent for once ... and Jim Carrey. I think that it will be good, and I don't care what you guys say.

Well, I care what some of you say.

But don't you think it will be good?

I sure hope so. One day when I get some money, I would like to see it.

On a related topic, I may have a summer job. I won't talk too much about that now, because it's not a for sure thing, but it is out there. Oh, it's out there. So wish me luck!

[...Good luck, Justine!]